View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2018 B3Partners B.V.
3    *
4    * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6    * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7    * (at your option) any later version.
8    *
9    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12   * GNU General Public License for more details.
13   *
14   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
16   */
17  package nl.b3p;
19  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertAll;
20  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
21  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
22  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue;
23  import static org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments.arguments;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
28  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
29  import;
30  import nl.b3p.brmo.loader.BrmoFramework;
31  import nl.b3p.brmo.loader.entity.Bericht;
32  import nl.b3p.brmo.test.util.database.dbunit.CleanUtil;
33  import nl.b3p.jdbc.util.converter.OracleConnectionUnwrapper;
34  import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource;
35  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
36  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
37  import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConfig;
38  import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConnection;
39  import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseDataSourceConnection;
40  import org.dbunit.database.IDatabaseConnection;
41  import org.dbunit.dataset.Column;
42  import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet;
43  import org.dbunit.dataset.ITable;
44  import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.FlatXmlDataSetBuilder;
45  import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.XmlDataSet;
46  import;
47  import org.dbunit.ext.postgresql.PostgresqlDataTypeFactory;
48  import org.dbunit.operation.DatabaseOperation;
49  import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
50  import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
51  import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag;
52  import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
53  import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments;
54  import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
56  /**
57   * Draaien met: {@code mvn -Dit.test=WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest -Dtest.onlyITs=true verify -pl
58   * brmo-loader -Ppostgresql > /tmp/postgresql.log} voor bijvoorbeeld PostgreSQL of {@code mvn
59   * -Dit.test=WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest -Dtest.onlyITs=true verify -pl brmo-loader -Poracle >
60   * /tmp/oracle.log} voor oracle.
61   *
62   * @author Mark Prins
63   */
64  @Tag("skip-windows-java11")
65  public class WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest extends AbstractDatabaseIntegrationTest {
67    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest.class);
68    private final Lock sequential = new ReentrantLock();
69    private BrmoFramework brmo;
70    // dbunit
71    private IDatabaseConnection staging;
72    private IDatabaseConnection rsgb;
73    private BasicDataSource dsRsgb;
74    private BasicDataSource dsStaging;
76    static Stream<Arguments> argumentsProvider() {
77      return Stream.of(
78          // {"filename", aantalBerichten, aantalLaadProcessen, objectRefs, objNummer,
79          // grondoppervlakte, gem_code, ws_code, wozBelang[rij][cols], deelObjectNums[],
80          // wozOmvatKadIdentif[], aantalBrondocumenten},
81          arguments(
82              "/woz/800000793120/204253181.xml",
83              1,
84              1,
85              new String[] {"WOZ.WOZ.800000793120"},
86              "800000793120",
87              4000,
88              8000,
89              "8106",
90              new String[0][0],
91              new String[0],
92              new String[] {"8000552570003"},
93              0),
94          arguments(
95              "/woz/800000793120/204325718.xml",
96              2,
97              1,
98              new String[] {
99                "WOZ.NPS.295f133e37f55dd610756bbb0e6eebcf0ebbc555", "WOZ.WOZ.800000200014"
100             },
101             "800000200014",
102             500,
103             8000,
104             "8106",
105             new String[][] {
106               {"WOZ.NPS.295f133e37f55dd610756bbb0e6eebcf0ebbc555", "800000200014", "E"}
107             },
108             new String[] {"800000793120"},
109             new String[] {"8000552570004"},
110             0),
111         arguments(
112             "/woz/800000200021/204405262.xml",
113             2,
114             1,
115             new String[] {"WOZ.NNP.428228574", "WOZ.WOZ.800000200021"},
116             "800000200021",
117             200,
118             8000,
119             "8106",
120             new String[][] {{"WOZ.NNP.428228574", "800000200021", "E"}},
121             new String[0],
122             new String[] {"8000552570005"},
123             0),
124         arguments(
125             "/woz/object_met_geom.xml",
126             1,
127             1,
128             new String[] {"WOZ.WOZ.800000003123"},
129             "800000003123",
130             450,
131             8000,
132             "0372",
133             new String[][] {
134               {"WOZ.NPS.e19242199d42fea43af7201c13ec4ad980f1e2cb", "800000003123", "E"}
135             },
136             new String[0],
137             new String[] {"8000010170000"},
138             0),
139         arguments(
140             "/woz/BRMO-204_lege_kad_identif/086600003277.anon.xml",
141             1,
142             1,
143             new String[] {"WOZ.WOZ.086600003277"},
144             "86600003277",
145             218,
146             866,
147             "0106",
148             new String[][] {
149               {"WOZ.NPS.42ee4ccf42af8c36500c43a5d105dfbf38175c31", "86600003277", "G"},
150               {"WOZ.NPS.b9d71af53ab19882d968391b1d13497d2a5c5cf0", "86600003277", "E"},
151               {"WOZ.NPS.ccc686355b0dd382c7bedce5f98ac6e4f846be25", "86600003277", "E"}
152             },
153             new String[0],
154             new String[0],
155             0),
156         // bericht met geometrie, maar geen kad identificatie
157         arguments(
158             "/woz/BRMO-184/45272376.anon.xml",
159             1,
160             1,
161             new String[] {"WOZ.WOZ.077200029855"},
162             "77200029855",
163             18,
164             772,
165             "0106",
166             new String[][] {
167               {"WOZ.NPS.1e4cfa740d8a05720aa51ac670a2561cd659a6f8", "77200029855", "E"},
168               {"WOZ.NPS.88cfb32b49e0f41c205813a681c29d702fef9f56", "77200029855", "E"},
169               {"WOZ.VES.000050302590", "77200029855", "E"}
170             },
171             new String[0],
172             new String[0],
173             0),
174         arguments(
175             "/woz/086600005516/086600005516.anon.xml",
176             2,
177             1,
178             new String[] {"WOZ.WOZ.086600005516"},
179             "86600005516",
180             null,
181             866,
182             "0106",
183             new String[][] {
184               {"WOZ.NPS.2a86e2ec6709c4ad32446a928be0335656906bd0", "86600005516", "G"}
185             },
186             new String[0],
187             new String[0],
188             0),
189         arguments(
190             "/woz/085800012189/085800012189.anon.xml",
191             2,
192             1,
193             new String[] {"WOZ.WOZ.085800012189"},
194             "85800012189",
195             null,
196             858,
197             "0106",
198             new String[0][0],
199             new String[0],
200             new String[0],
201             1),
202         arguments(
203             "/woz/085500191054/085500191054.anon.xml",
204             1,
205             1,
206             new String[] {"WOZ.WOZ.085500191054"},
207             "85500191054",
208             null,
209             855,
210             null,
211             new String[0][0],
212             new String[0],
213             new String[0],
214             2));
215   }
217   @BeforeEach
218   @Override
219   public void setUp() throws Exception {
220     dsStaging = new BasicDataSource();
221     dsStaging.setUrl(params.getProperty("staging.jdbc.url"));
222     dsStaging.setUsername(params.getProperty("staging.user"));
223     dsStaging.setPassword(params.getProperty("staging.passwd"));
224     dsStaging.setAccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed(true);
226     dsRsgb = new BasicDataSource();
227     dsRsgb.setUrl(params.getProperty("rsgb.jdbc.url"));
228     dsRsgb.setUsername(params.getProperty("rsgb.user"));
229     dsRsgb.setPassword(params.getProperty("rsgb.passwd"));
230     dsRsgb.setAccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed(true);
232     staging = new DatabaseDataSourceConnection(dsStaging);
233     rsgb = new DatabaseDataSourceConnection(dsRsgb, params.getProperty("rsgb.schema"));
235     if (this.isOracle) {
236       staging =
237           new DatabaseConnection(
238               OracleConnectionUnwrapper.unwrap(dsStaging.getConnection()),
239               params.getProperty("staging.user").toUpperCase());
240       staging
241           .getConfig()
242           .setProperty(DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_DATATYPE_FACTORY, new Oracle10DataTypeFactory());
243       staging.getConfig().setProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_SKIP_ORACLE_RECYCLEBIN_TABLES, true);
245       rsgb =
246           new DatabaseConnection(
247               OracleConnectionUnwrapper.unwrap(dsRsgb.getConnection()),
248               params.getProperty("rsgb.user").toUpperCase());
249       rsgb.getConfig()
250           .setProperty(DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_DATATYPE_FACTORY, new Oracle10DataTypeFactory());
251       rsgb.getConfig().setProperty(DatabaseConfig.FEATURE_SKIP_ORACLE_RECYCLEBIN_TABLES, true);
252     } else if (this.isPostgis) {
253       // we hebben alleen nog postgres over
254       staging
255           .getConfig()
256           .setProperty(DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_DATATYPE_FACTORY, new PostgresqlDataTypeFactory());
257       rsgb.getConfig()
258           .setProperty(DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_DATATYPE_FACTORY, new PostgresqlDataTypeFactory());
259     }
261     brmo = new BrmoFramework(dsStaging, dsRsgb, null);
263     FlatXmlDataSetBuilder fxdb = new FlatXmlDataSetBuilder();
264     fxdb.setCaseSensitiveTableNames(false);
265     IDataSet stagingDataSet =
267             new FileInputStream(
268                 new File(
269                     WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest.class
270                         .getResource("/staging-empty-flat.xml")
271                         .toURI())));
273     sequential.lock();
275     // CleanUtil.cleanRSGB_WOZ(rsgb, true);
277     DatabaseOperation.CLEAN_INSERT.execute(staging, stagingDataSet);
278     assumeTrue(
279         0L == brmo.getCountBerichten(BrmoFramework.BR_WOZ, "STAGING_OK"),
280         "Er zijn STAGING_OK berichten");
281     assumeTrue(
282         0L == brmo.getCountLaadProcessen(BrmoFramework.BR_WOZ, "STAGING_OK"),
283         "Er zijn STAGING_OK laadprocessen");
284   }
286   @AfterEach
287   public void cleanup() throws Exception {
288     brmo.closeBrmoFramework();
289     CleanUtil.cleanSTAGING(staging, false);
290     CleanUtil.cleanRSGB_WOZ(rsgb, true);
291     staging.close();
292     dsStaging.close();
293     rsgb.close();
294     dsRsgb.close();
295     sequential.unlock();
296   }
298   @ParameterizedTest(name = "testWozBerichtToStagingToRsgb #{index}: bestand: {0}")
299   @MethodSource("argumentsProvider")
300   public void testWozBerichtToStagingToRsgb(
301       String bestandNaam,
302       long aantalBerichten,
303       long aantalProcessen,
304       String[] objectRefs,
305       String objNummer,
306       Number grondoppervlakte,
307       Number gemCode,
308       String wsCode,
309       String[][] wozBelang,
310       String[] deelObjectNums,
311       String[] wozOmvatKadIdentif,
312       long aantalBrondocumenten)
313       throws Exception {
315     if (objNummer.equalsIgnoreCase("800000003123")) {
316       IDataSet rsgbDataSet =
317           new XmlDataSet(
318               new FileInputStream(
319                   WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest.class
320                       .getResource("/woz/subject-setup.xml")
321                       .getFile()));
322       DatabaseOperation.INSERT.execute(rsgb, rsgbDataSet);
323     }
325     assumeTrue(
326         WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest.class.getResource(bestandNaam) != null,
327         "Het bestand met test bericht zou moeten bestaan.");
328     brmo.loadFromFile(
329         BrmoFramework.BR_WOZ,
330         WozXMLToStagingIntegrationTest.class.getResource(bestandNaam).getFile(),
331         null);
333     assertEquals(
334         aantalBerichten,
335         brmo.getCountBerichten(BrmoFramework.BR_WOZ, "STAGING_OK"),
336         "Verwacht aantal STAGING_OK berichten");
337     assertEquals(
338         aantalProcessen,
339         brmo.getCountLaadProcessen(BrmoFramework.BR_WOZ, "STAGING_OK"),
340         "Verwacht aantal laadprocessen");
342     ITable bericht = staging.createDataSet().getTable("bericht");
343     int rowNum = 0;
344     for (String objectRef : objectRefs) {
345       assertEquals(objectRef, bericht.getValue(rowNum, "object_ref"), "'object_ref' klopt niet");
346       rowNum++;
347     }
349     LOG.debug("Transformeren berichten naar rsgb DB.");
350     brmo.setOrderBerichten(true);
351     Thread t = brmo.toRsgb();
352     t.join();
354     assertEquals(
355         aantalBerichten,
356         brmo.getCountBerichten(BrmoFramework.BR_WOZ, "RSGB_OK"),
357         "Niet alle berichten zijn OK getransformeerd");
359     for (Bericht b : brmo.getBerichten(0, 0, 10, null, null, BrmoFramework.BR_WOZ, "RSGB_OK")) {
360       assertNotNull(b, "Bericht is 'null'");
361       assertNotNull(b.getDbXml(), "'db-xml' van bericht is 'null'");
362     }
364     ITable woz_obj = rsgb.createDataSet().getTable("woz_obj");
365     assertAll(
366         "woz_obj",
367         () -> assertEquals(1, woz_obj.getRowCount(), "Er is 1 WOZ object verwacht"),
368         () ->
369             assertEquals(
370                 objNummer, woz_obj.getValue(0, "nummer").toString(), "WOZ 'obj_nummer' klopt niet"),
371         () ->
372             assertEquals(
373                 grondoppervlakte,
374                 null == woz_obj.getValue(0, "grondoppervlakte")
375                     ? null
376                     : ((Number) woz_obj.getValue(0, "grondoppervlakte")).intValue(),
377                 "Oppervlakte van object klopt niet"),
378         () ->
379             assertEquals(
380                 wsCode, woz_obj.getValue(0, "waterschap"), "Waterschap van object klopt niet"),
381         () ->
382             assertEquals(
383                 gemCode,
384                 ((Number) woz_obj.getValue(0, "fk_verantw_gem_code")).intValue(),
385                 "Gemeentecode van object klopt niet"));
387     if (objNummer.equalsIgnoreCase("800000003123") | objNummer.equalsIgnoreCase("77200029855")) {
388       assertNotNull(woz_obj.getValue(0, "geom"), "geometrie verwacht voor dit object");
389     }
391     ITable woz_deelobj = rsgb.createDataSet().getTable("woz_deelobj");
392     assertEquals(
393         deelObjectNums.length,
394         woz_deelobj.getRowCount(),
395         "Het aantal 'woz_deelobj' records klopt niet");
396     for (int i = 0; i < deelObjectNums.length; i++) {
397       assertEquals(
398           deelObjectNums[i],
399           woz_deelobj.getValue(i, "nummer").toString(),
400           "WOZ deelobject nummer is niet correct");
401       assertEquals(
402           objNummer,
403           woz_deelobj.getValue(i, "fk_6woz_nummer").toString(),
404           "WOZ object nummer is niet correct");
405     }
407     ITable woz_belang = rsgb.createDataSet().getTable("woz_belang");
408     assertEquals(
409         wozBelang.length, woz_belang.getRowCount(), "Het aantal 'woz_belang' records klopt niet");
410     if (wozBelang.length > 0) {
411       final Column[] woz_belang_cols = woz_belang.getTableMetaData().getColumns();
412       for (int row = 0; row < wozBelang.length; row++) {
413         for (int i = 0; i < woz_belang_cols.length; i++) {
414           int col = i;
415           assertEquals(
416               wozBelang[row][i],
417               woz_belang.getValue(row, woz_belang_cols[i].getColumnName()).toString(),
418               () -> "woz belang " + woz_belang_cols[col].getColumnName() + " is niet correct");
419         }
420       }
421     }
423     ITable woz_omvat = rsgb.createDataSet().getTable("woz_omvat");
424     assertEquals(
425         wozOmvatKadIdentif.length,
426         woz_omvat.getRowCount(),
427         "Het aantal 'woz_omvat' records klopt niet");
428     for (int i = 0; i < wozOmvatKadIdentif.length; i++) {
429       assertEquals(
430           wozOmvatKadIdentif[i],
431           woz_omvat.getValue(i, "fk_sc_lh_kad_identif").toString(),
432           "kad-identif nummer is niet correct");
433     }
435     ITable brondocument = rsgb.createDataSet().getTable("brondocument");
436     assertEquals(
437         aantalBrondocumenten,
438         brondocument.getRowCount(),
439         "Het aantal 'brondocument' records klopt niet");
440     // TODO test uitbreiden
441     ITable woz_waarde = rsgb.createDataSet().getTable("woz_waarde");
442   }
443 }