ColumnDescription |
This is a helper class to store information about a JCS Column for the GML Parser ( GMLReader ).
CompressedFile |
Utility class for dealing with compressed (.zip, .gz) files.
DriverProperties |
Object to store a bunch of key/value pairs used by the input/output drivers/classes.
EndianDataInputStream |
A class that gives most of the functionality of DataInputStream, but is endian aware.
EndianDataOutputStream |
A class that gives most of the functionality of DataOutputStream, but is endian aware.
FMEGMLReader |
A driver that reads GML files following the FME default schema.
FMEGMLWriter |
This class is a JUMPWriter specialized to write FMEGML.
GMLGeometryWriter |
Writes or creates a formatted string containing the GML
representation of a JTS Geometry.
GMLInputTemplate |
Reads an XML file that starts with a 'JCSGMLInputTemplate'.
GMLOutputTemplate |
This class provides a parser for reading GMLOuputTemplates.
GMLReader |
GMLReader is a JUMPReader specialized to read GML files.
GMLWriter |
GMLWriter is a JUMPWriter specialized to output GML.
JMLReader |
JMLReader is a JUMPReader specialized to read JML.
JMLWriter |
JMLWriter is a JUMPWriter specialized to write JML.
ShapefileReader |
ShapefileReader is a JUMPReader specialized to read Shapefiles.
ShapefileWriter |
ShapefileWriter is a JUMPWriter specialized to write Shapefiles.
WKTReader |
WKTReader is a JUMPReader specialized to read WTK (Well Known Text) files.
WKTWriter |
WKTWriter is a JUMPWriter specialized to write WTK (Well Known Text) files.