Development notes

set up Maven

Install Maven 3.3.9 or newer.

In your maven settings.xml add the following server element:

          <password>SSH PASSPHRASE</password>

This is required to publish the site into the gh-pages branch using the maven-scm-publish-plugin.


mvn install will generate the artifacts for viewer and viewer-admin. When you add the options -Dibis-flamingo-ds-name=geo_viewer-ibis and to the commandline you will end up with a version that is pre-configured for the test environment, eg. mvn -Dibis-flamingo-ds-name=geo_viewer-ibis package


Use the regular maven release cycle; mvn release:prepare and then mvn release:perform. eg.

mvn clean
mvn release:prepare -l rel-prepare.log -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DdevelopmentVersion=3.1-SNAPSHOT -DreleaseVersion=3.0 -Dtag=ibis-flamingo-mc-3.0 -e -T1
mvn release:perform -l rel-perform.log -e -T1

Don't forget to update the release notes. To (re-)create the maven site of this tag (normally the site is deployed as part of the release procedure):

git checkout ibis-flamingo-mc-3.0
mvn -T1 site site:stage
mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
git checkout master

Upload the dist artifact to the github release page using the web interface.

generating and deploying site

mvn site will create a staged maven site, mvn site-deploy should take care of deploying the site to