All Classes and Interfaces

Configuration and utility class for API clients.
API response returned by API call.
Analogous to a CountingInputStream, this wraps a channel and records the number of bytes read and written in addition to the number of non-consecutive reads or writes.
Gets or Sets featuretypes
Gets or Sets format
Gets or Sets status
A wrapper around a HTTP client with only the functionality needed by this package.
Provides default wrapper implementations for Java HTTP clients.
A wrapper around a HTTP response to provide access to the response status, headers and body.
A SeekableByteChannel backed by a HTTP(S) URI that uses the Content-Length response header to provide total size and HTTP Range requests for read-only random access, especially optimized for ZIP archive readers reading only the central directory at the end of the stream supporting a SeekableByteChannel input such as Commons Compress.
Provides a stream reading a HTTP entity starting at a specified position until the end of the entity using HTTP Range requests.
Wraps the Java 11 HttpClient.
Wrapper for QueryRunner that logs the SQL to commons-logging.
The PostgreSQL JDBC driver does not support parallel copy operations, even with multiple connections.
An InputStream that wraps an InputStream that on a read error can be re-constructed with the current position as start position (using a HTTP Range request for instance) and the read retried.
Write a geometry to WKT, linearizing curves.
Wraps a standard Java HttpURLConnection or HttpsURLConnection.