Class HTMLPane.FormActionEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public class HTMLPane.FormActionEvent
    extends ActionEvent
    Used by HTMLPane to pass form-submission information to any ActionListener objects. When a form is submitted by the user, an actionPerformed() message that carries a FormActionEvent is sent to all registered action listeners. They can use the event object to get the method and action attributes of the form tag as well as the set of data provided by the form elements.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • method

        public String method()
        Return the method= attribute of the <form> tag
      • action

        public String action()
        Return the action= attribute of the <form> tag
      • data

        public Properties data()
        Return the a set of properties representing the name=value pairs that would be sent to the server on form submission.
      • source

        public HTMLPane source()
        Convenience method, works the same as (HTMLPane)( event.getSource() )